Remove http:// From The URL

Remove HTTP://, www and slashes from the URL

Below the PHP function removes HTTP, www and slashes. Use preg_replace

    // Remove http://
    $input = "";
    $input = preg_replace( "#^[^:/.]*[:/]+#i", "", 

$input );

    /* Output */
    echo $input;

Credit: Remove PHP HTTP://, www and slashes from URL

How to remove HTTP:// or HTTPS:// from the URL and save to database in Laravel

The above method will do the same as this one. preg_replace will replace the word with your words.

Use any of these

$url = preg_replace( "#^[^:/.]*[:/]+#i", "", $url );


$url = preg_replace("(^https?://)", "", $url);

public function removeurl()
     $url = request('url');
     $url = preg_replace("(^https?://)", "", $url);

     $post->url = $url;

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