How To Delete Comments Along With Thread?

How to delete all comments posted in a post in Laravel? Want to delete a post and the same action will delete the comments on that particular post too.

Laravel makes it very simple to do this. The post has a polymorphic relationship with the comments and you can use the function to delete related comments with a click. So whenever you delete any post, the same action will delete the comments too.

Only Owner Can Delete The Post


Here, in the below code commentable_id is a column where thread id is stored. So in the comment table, where thread ids match all comments will have this action.

        $delcomment = Comment::where('commentable_id', $thread->id)->delete();

So, first, the thread which is posts will be deleted, and then related comments.

        $delcomment = Comment::where('commentable_id', $thread->id)->delete();

The full function is here.

     * Remove the specified resource from storage.
     * @param  \App\Thread  $thread
     * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
    public function destroy(Thread $thread)
        $delcomment = Comment::where('commentable_id', $thread->id)->delete();
        return redirect()->route('thread.index')->withMessage('Thread and its comments has been deleted !');

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